Multilingual learning
On this site (Discimus) you can study and practise school subjects and other things in different languages. There are always two languages side by side. On the preliminary site we have content in Finnish, Swedish, English and Persian.
This is just a small demo version, an initial idea on what this project Discimus might look like. Only a few mini lessons on mathematics, physics, and history are currently on display. Technically the site is rather clumsy.
Hopefully soon we can develop the site in many ways. One goal is to produce a wiki-style simple site for primary school students who need to study in a foreign language: you could study the same content in your own language and in the new language. Learning material will be produced, if possible, also in audio and video format.
If you are interested in commenting or joining the team please visit the "About us" page for further information.
Note! This index.html page should not be viewed because the demo site uses frames. If you don't see two different languages you are not viewing the intended pages.
(obsolete info/code follows)
Tämä on vajaa kotisivu, koska enimmäkseen käytän kehyksiä. Katso
Left side and right side . There is one language on the left and another on the right.
Aku Talikka
aku.talikka at
040 759 0903